"Wordle" #1,176 answer, clues and hints for Saturday, September 7 game (2025)

Wordle first hit the world in 2021 and within weeks it became a phenomenon with hundreds of thousands of users.

The daily word puzzle was then acquired by The New York Times in early 2022 and has remained its most popular game since.

Much of Wordle's appeal lies in its simplicity. If you've never played the game before, players have six chances to guess the daily five-letter word and feedback is given to help nail it down via a color-coded system.

A green tile means the letter is correct, while yellow tells a player that the letter appears in the word but is just in the wrong spot. A gray tile indicates that the letter is not in the word at all.

People have their own style and strategy when it comes to playing the game, but when the Times', Josh Katz and Aatish Bhatia, analyzed 515 million Wordle games they found that one of the most popular first-word choices was "Adieu," but it was not actually all that helpful when it came solving the game.

"The strategy seems to make sense: Figure out the vowels, and the other letters will fall into place," Katz and Bhatia wrote in the Times in December 2023. "Our new analysis, though, shows that starting with ADIEU or AUDIO does actually put human players at a disadvantage."

They continued: "On average, players who started with ADIEU needed about a third of a turn more to solve their Wordles compared with players who started with SLATE, adding up to 132 extra turns over the course of a year."

If you need some help working out Saturday's Wordle answer, check out our collection of clues below. But scroll with caution because the answer is revealed at the end of this article.

"Wordle" #1,176 answer, clues and hints for Saturday, September 7 game (1)

Wordle #1,176, Clues for Saturday, September 7

Newsweek has put together five hints to help you figure out today's Wordle puzzle.

Hint #1: Today's Wordle is a noun.

Hint #2: There are no repeated letters.

Hint #3: The word contains two vowels.

Hint #4: Today's answer has two syllables.

Hint #5: One synonym for the word is "possessor."

Wordle #1,176, Answer for Saturday, September 7

The answer to today's Wordle is "owner."

Congratulations if you got it right, but don't worry if you didn't. Wordle updates every day at midnight in your local time zone, so you'll soon get another opportunity to play. Newsweek will be back with another round of hints and tips for each new game.

Players who would like something to keep themselves busy while they wait for the next Wordle can have a go at other word-based puzzles such as Typochondria.

"Wordle" #1,176 answer, clues and hints for Saturday, September 7 game (2025)


What's today's Wordle September 7th? ›

Today's word is OWNER, a noun.

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The Wordle answer today is...

Drumroll please! HARSH. Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time.

Is scoff a Wordle word? ›

Today's word is SCOFF, a verb. According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, it means “to mock at or deride.”

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Today's Wordle answer is BROAD.

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The Wordle answer today is...

Drumroll please! DEBIT. Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time.

What is the Wordle for the 8th of September? ›

The Wordle answer today is...

Drumroll please! DRAWN. Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be a new Wordle for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

Is today's Wordle harsh? ›

Today's Wordle answer is HARSH.

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The Wordle answer today is...

Drumroll please! BRASS. Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time.

What is today's Wordle for September 11? ›

The Wordle answer today is...

Drumroll please! AISLE.

What was the very first Wordle answer? ›

It was convenient, too, that he has a name that plays off "word." A Times spokesperson told me it lists the very first Wordle as appearing on June 19, 2021, and the paper celebrated the game's 1,000th word on March 15. Spoiler: That 1,000th word was ERUPT.

What is the outdated word for the Wordle? ›

“At New York Times Games, we take our role seriously as a place to entertain and escape, and we want Wordle to remain distinct from the news.” Some players today got the answer “fetus,” which is a word that is obviously closely tied to the current Roe vs.

Does Wordle use profanity? ›

Wordle now bans some 'offensive' words — but not all of them

It appears they still have “f–ks” to give. As if the New York Times wasn't mired in enough Wordle controversy, the publication has removed certain “offensive” words from the viral word game — while still allowing players to guess certain others.

What is the Wordle for the 7th of September? ›

The Wordle answer today is...

Drumroll please! OWNER. Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be a new Wordle for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

What is the answer to the September 16 Wordle? ›

Today's word is ANGEL, a noun.

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Not any more. The answer to the September 20 (823) Wordle is SNARE.

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Today's Wordle answer is MACAW.

What is the answer to the September 6th Wordle? ›

Today's word is RERUN, a noun. According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, it refers to a rebroadcast of a recorded movie or television show.

What is the hint Wordle for October 7? ›

The answer to today's Wordle puzzle is "Viola." Well, that was a tough one! An unusual word, it is likely to have challenged even experienced Wordle players, though the three vowels certainly did help. Did you get it?

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.