Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (2024)

Whether it's a gamer's first time playing Yoshi Story or the recent release of Mario 64 made fans want to revisit other platformers, there is still magic to be found in the game. Many young players never found many of the secrets hidden throughout the game, including the black and white Yoshi's.

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These Yoshis could give you two extra lives if both were found, which could be a huge help to players during harder levels. If fans didn't know where to look, though, then they likely never came across either of these unique creatures. There are actually several chances to get these extra Yoshi's within the game.

8 One at a Time

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (1)

The first thing to note before taking on the great Yoshi quest is that you can only have one black and white Yoshi at a time. No matter how many playthroughs you do, the game will only allow you to collect one of each color. There is no way to cheat this, so even if you follow all of the steps below multiple times, you will never be able to overrun your screen with black and white dinosaurs.

Knowing this ahead of time can save players a lot of time and effort, as it wasn't common knowledge among the Yoshi fandom for quite some time.

7 Shy Guy Mix-Up

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (2)

A common issue that happens when trying to hunt down the rare Yoshi is having them mixed up for a White Shy Guy. While White Shy Guys can retrieve a dead Yoshi, they aren't playable. White Shy Guy and special Yoshi don't appear on the same levels but do appear in the same chapter.

Be careful of accidentally selecting level 2-1 or 3-3 as the bonus for this world isn't an egg, but an extra life instead.

6 Bone Dragon Pit (Black Yoshi)

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (3)

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This is world 2-1 in the game and one of four levels where gamers will be able to find the legendary Black Yoshi. On page two, fans will find a tulip that will turn Yoshi into his egg form and allow him to spring up into the air. This will be located near a Miss Warp in this level. Once players find Miss Warp number four, the black egg should be right above them.

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Once turned into an egg, launch Yoshi towards the ceiling and then grab the black egg when you see it appear on the screen.

5 Torrential Maze (Black Yoshi)

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (4)

This is the final level of the second chapter and world 2-4. The egg for this Yoshi can be found on page two of this level; gamers will want to locate the ghost snakes and ride them to the very top of the level where fans will find the black egg that is trapped inside of a floating bubble, be sure to bring some eggs with along so that the bubble can be popped with ease.

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Once gamers pop the bubble, they can grab the egg and work their way towards the end of the level to unlock the Black Yoshi.

4 Tall Tower (White Yoshi)

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (5)

Tall Tower is located on level 3-2 and is overall pretty simple to navigate. For this egg, you will simply need to find the Miss Warp with a number 2 on it, keep progressing through the level until she naturally pops up in your path. One you see her proceed left until you find a ? bubble.

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Inside of this bubble will be the first White Yoshi egg; simply pop-it and complete the level to get the Yoshi.

3 Poochy and Nippy (White Yoshi)

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (6)

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Poochy and Nippy is world 3-3 in the game. For this extra Yoshi, all you need to do is proceed through the level until you reach Poochy, who will be located near an inaccessible red pipe. Bypass this first pipe, and soon you will see another one that you can enter.

Once you go in the red pipe, you will see a ? bubble, pop-it, and the White Yoshi egg will fall out for you to pick up.

2 Spicy Lovers

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (7)

Now that gamers have acquired these Yoshi's, you are going to have a new ability when playing with them that can be quite handy. Normally, when fans consume a spicy fruit, they will end up taking damage, and the item will end up being a fruit that players will need to avoid altogether.

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The Yoshi species as a whole seems to dislike this pepper unless they are Black, White, or Purple, as seen in Super Mario Sunshine. When playing as one of the special Yoshi, you will be able to consume spicy fruit without taking any damage.

1 New Game Plus

Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (8)

Fans don't have to worry about losing their special Yoshi after beating the game. While Yoshi Story doesn't exactly have a new game plus, it does let you carry over your special finds for the next playthrough. As long as your Black and White Yoshi survive the game, they should be selectable in the menu screen before each level on your next playthrough.

As mentioned above, you won't be able to collect unlimited special Yoshi's as only one of each color can be on your team at a time.


Yoshi's Story: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unlocking Black & White Yoshi (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.